Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The lost bags return and wireless internet brighten the day

(the ironic "rush" on our bags that have been sitting in the airport for days)
     Our two missing bags have returned! We had made arrangement for them to be delivered last Friday. Well, I guess the day they will be delivered is more of a guideline than a rule. Fortunately for us, we had a friend at the airport last evening who did a little poking around for us and found the missing bags. They were just kind of sitting around, waiting for someone to do something with them. So our friend sent the bags on back to Kijabe with his driver and we have been digging through them today. A bit like Christmas. It is nice to not have to wash underwear and scrubs every two days!
     We also now have wireless internet through the hospital  and we're hoping that it will be reliable enough so we can ditch the prepaid cell network modem thingy.  It's nice to just hop on the internet and not have to worry about how many MB I have been using.
     The kids have been having a good day. We haven't had to resort to shows on the computer yet! :) Getting a bag of legos in the lost baggage helped. They have also been a bit more receptive to pretend play and keeping themselves occupied today. And a morning playgroup helped especially for Ella - there was a 5 year old girl that she hit it off with.
      I guess it's these little things that help brighten my day. My mood has tended to go the how the children are feeling, so it can be a bit up and down and unpredictable. Trying to steady them in the midst of a new place is a little challenging when I'm not always sure of my own footing and place in a different culture. Finding ways to build a little routine has been helpful, and perhaps today has been the most successful with that.
     I think I've gone a bit backwards with the whole culture shock thing - haven't really felt that whole euphoria of being here (don't get me wrong, it's beautiful and lovely, peaceful and simple in our neck of the woods) first. I've skipped right on to the "I'd like to get back to where it's a bit more comfortable and I know how it works, thank you very much." So getting a few things like missing bags and wireless internet brighten things a bit and helps with our transition here for the month. So I'm grateful for a day that feels a bit more "normal."
     Now if I could only figure out how to get the gas oven at a consistent temperature below 400...

1 comment:

  1. I love you, Jill. Praying for you. Love the pic of Ella feeding the Giraffe. Tell the kids and Bill hello!
