Saturday, August 13, 2011

Lake Naivasha

     Bill had the day off, so we took the opportunity to discover the wildlife in our neck of the woods.  We headed north about 45 minutes to Lake Naivasha to discover some of the African wildlife up close and personal. 

     Of course no trip is complete without some type of mishap, and this one was no exception.  Less that halfway into our trip, the car we had rented (as in we hired someone to drive us) broke down. Fortunately we had packed a lunch and waited alongside the road for another car to pick us up. (Ironically the next car that picked us up looked absolutely awfully but successfully got us to and from our destination). 

     We were not disappointed after having to wait on the side of the road! We reached a part of the lake called Crescent Island and were treated to a walking tour of the wildlife. (Impala above)

     We enjoyed walking amongst gazelles, wildebeests, zebras, waterbok, giraffes an assortment of birds and vegetation. As you can see, we were able to literally walk amongst the animals!

(the kids standing in front of wildebeests)

      The kids really enjoyed the walk (ok, maybe not the part at the end where we had downpours of rain and we really needed a wetsuit, not a couple of umbrellas) and we were amused by their fascination with the many types of animal poop. Go figure - we travel all these miles and walk amongst incredible wildlife and they are fascinated with animal droppings! 

     Although the video doesn't do it justice, enjoy a glimpse of the beautiful area we enjoyed today.  It was simply breathtaking and makes us anxious to take our big safari to the Masai Mara later this month!

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