Friday, July 29, 2011

Our Departure

Hi everyone-
   First of all, let me say a HUGE thank you to all of you who have committed to praying for us during this trip. We are so very aware of God's Providence just through the preparation stage and we recognize that the impact of this trip on our lives and those of the Kenyan people will be greatly influenced by your intercession.  God has seen fit to provide us with more than 80% of the expected cost of this trip. The generosity of our family and friends have been absolutely overwhelming and I cannot say enough how encouraging it is to see God's people giving in faith to help us do what He has asked of us.
    We will be leaving tomorrow, flying to Newark, then Zurich and on to Nairobi by Sunday evening. There we will stay in a guest house and hopefully meet up with some old Kenyan friends I have not seen in 11 years before heading out to Kijabe. I know only bits and pieces of what will be expected of me there and what opportunities there will be for Jill and the kids, but please pray that we are able to acclimate quickly so that we might make the most of the time we have. Pray also that I my knowledge and skill set would be enough to make me more of a help than a hindrance to the staff and residents there.
    We also ask that you pray for the kids. This will doubtless be a dramatic transition for them and it is our desire that they gain an understanding of the joy of sacrificial living for the sake of the Gospel. We hope that there view and understanding of God and of people would be radically changed. There world has been filled with people much like themselves to this point and we hope that this will give them insight to the enormous range of cultures and situations God has seen fit to grant us. These are hard concepts for a 3 and 5 year old but we trust that God can plant those seeds.
    Please join us in praying for God's wisdom regarding what comes after residency during this time. We desire to use this time and opportunity to seek God's Will for the next step in the path He set us on so many years ago. We also hope that Jill will gain understanding regarding what all God would have for her in terms of serving overseas. If there is further training or schooling that she needs to accomplish this that those doors would be opened.
   Lastly, lift up the people of East Africa. If you have followed the international news at all you will know that parts of Kenya have suffered severe drought. Additionally, Kenya, while itself stable, is bordered by Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia. Many of these nations have seen terrible strife and famine and Kenya is home to many people fleeing those countries. Pray that we can heal them, both body and soul. Pray that they might come for surgery but be affected by the Love of Christ. I cannot overstate how thankful I am for all of you standing behind us during this time.
In Christ,

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you guys and the people of East Africa. Trusting God to use you, Jill and your kids perfectly. Praying that you will fall in love with those you meet and even more deeply in love with the Lord. Praying that your kids will transition well and for safety for you guys. We'll just be praying a whole lot for you ...

    Enjoy what you can, when you can !
