Monday, June 13, 2011

Ways you can pray

If you'd like to pray for our trip, below are some specific ways you can pray for us.  Thanks for praying for us!
1. Packing/preparation list - that I (Jill) would be able to make sure we have all that we need for our trip; that anything I may need to buy would be easy to come by; that I wouldn't forget anything that would be hard to find where we are staying
2. Safe travels - we leave July 30th. We have a very short layover in Switzerland so please pray that we'd make the connnection. We return Sept. 4th  (start flying home on the 3rd). That the kids would do as well as can be expected on long flights. That passing through customs would be easy.
3. Adjusting - that we would all bounce back quickly from jet lag. That the kids will be able to sleep well in a new place. That the kids would adjust to new foods (especially Ella).
5. That the kids and I are purposeful about exploring the community while Bill is working.
6. That during our trip God would provide clarity and a future vision about where he would have us working after Bill's residency is completed in 2 years and what kind of role God has for me (Jill) in that.
7. Illness - that we would avoid it! And if we are unfortunate enough to become ill, that we would not let it dampen our trip.