Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Support Letter

Hello! Welcome to our blog. This will serve as a central point for information regarding our trip to Kijabe, Kenya in August 2011. Below I'm going to post our support letter - if you would like to get more information about us and our trip, please leave a comment below.


Greetings from the Nelson family! We hope this finds you well.
     We are writing you this letter because of an exciting opportunity we have this August. Over the past year Bill worked in conjunction with his surgical residency program to find a way to incorporate a one month international rotation into his training program. Earlier this year, his talks met with great success as Bill received approval to go to AIC Kijabe Hospital ( in Kenya. Bill opted to pair his training with a missional opportunity and is currently arranging the details of the trip through World Medical Mission, a ministry of Samaritan's Purse.
     As a surgery resident in Kenya, assisting the staff and training Kenyan residents are Bill's main duties. He will experience general surgery in its broadest context with exposure to procedures and disease processes that he would never get to see in the United States. While in Kijabe, Bill will partner with an organization called the Pan African Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS) ( whose mission is to train and disciple African physicians to work in their home countries as surgeons. Many countries in sub-Saharan Africa have only one surgeon of any kind for every one hundred thousand people, so Bill sees as a tremendous opportunity to forward God's Kingdom and serve "the least of these."
     Upon discussions with PAACS program directors, we began to evaluate the possibility of the entire family traveling to Kenya this summer. If we were to consider serving for a longer term in the scope of medical missions, we decided it would be a good idea to see how life as a family works on a short term trip. Jack (3), Ella (5) and Jill (old) plan to take this opportunity to soak in many things, including learning about life and culture in a different country while getting a chance to see Bill apply his trade and passion.
     In order to make this trip to Kenya possible, some important things must happen. The first and most important is prayer - none of this would be possible without God's help. If you would like to contribute to our trip, would you consider being part of a prayer team for us? If so, please email Jill at and I will add you to our prayer team and send you a detailed request list as well as update you with our throughout our journey. You can also keep up with us at
     The other major component that makes this trip possible is financial contributions. God has already provided for a portion of our trip by finding a way for Bill to work extra hours at the hospital. Currently, we estimate the cost of our trip at $10,000 for travel, paperwork and in-country expenses. If your current financial situation allows you to contribute financially to our trip, would you prayerfully consider doing so? You can make tax-deductible donations directly through Samaritan's Purse on our behalf by visiting: and searching for Nelson. If you prefer to mail a check, include Bill's name or reference number 004252 in the memo line and mail it to:

World Medical Mission
Attn: Chad Cole
PO Box 3000
Boone, NC 28607
     If you prefer to directly send us a check you may do so, but please be aware we cannot make it tax-deductible - the only way to do that is through Samaritan's Purse.
     Please know that we do not desire to pressure you in any way to contribute financially. If now is not a good time for you to be able to help, we certainly understand. In any case, please pray for us while we raise the funds to go to Kenya and while we are overseas. Your prayers will be a great encouragement.
     Thank you for taking the time to read about the exciting adventure that awaits our family. We cannot wait to share our experiences with you!

-Bill, Jill, Ella & Jack